FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I collaborate with you?
We love working with arts educators, galleries, organisations offering residencies, and other arts communities who want to make Arts education better and artist artists more well connected. Please feel free to contact us with your suggestions for collaboration. However as much as we want to work with all of you, TIAC has its own focus and priorities, so we can only open the possibility of collaboration with well-selected individuals/ organisations. We are definitely interested in knowing about you, so again, please feel free to contact us.
2. Can I study with you?
Our education programs are in the process of developing, and at this time are focussed on exchange programs between China and Europe - particularly bringing Chinese students to Europe and sending non-Chinese teachers to our studios in China. In the future there will be programs that are more general in nature and open to everyone, so please feel free to subscribe to our mailing list via the contact page to be kept updated when opportunities become available.
3. Can I apply for one of your Scholarships?
At this time we are providing Scholarships to students at schools we are currently associated with, and so the Scholarships are not available to the general public. Please subscribe to our mailing list on the contact page to be kept updated about future more expanded opportunities.
4. Can you help me with Italian language study?
We do not provide language tuition ourselves, but can recommend some good language providers in Italy - please contact us and request more information
5. Can you help me to prepare to apply for Italian University programs?
We currently assist Chinese students with preparing their portfolio and getting ready for entering University exchange programs in Italy via our Turandot program. To find out more please send a message via the contact page.